

此次頒獎典禮由董事長暨共同創辦人 顏昌洲醫師代表團隊領獎,並由執行長暨共同創辦人 李文豪上台發表采風智匯的第一項產品服務:DeepXrayTM,闡述其在AI輔助診斷骨質疏鬆症的臨床運用、技術領先優勢及全球市場潛力。



Following last month’s Business Startup Award elected by Taiwan MOEA, AIM honorably received another national-level recognition: 20th National Innovation Award in the Startup Company Category.

AIM Chairman Dr. Michael Yen stepped onto the stage to receive this honor on behalf of our team. Our CEO Mr. Eric Lee also presented AIM’s first AI-assisted diagnostic service DeepXrayTM in front of VIPs participating the ceremony on AIM’s global leadership in the forefront of osteoporosis diagnostic service and its market potential.

AIM keeps relentlessly pursuing our mission of “Affordable Precision Care, Serving Vast Population of Aging Society” in the coming new year with our second AI-assisted service offering in the pipeline.



生策會報導  https://innoaward.taiwan-healthcare.org/advance_detail.php?REFDOCTYPID=&REFDOCID=0s5jnehagxwdahdo